BANKING (SUBJECT CODE: 811) Sample Question Paper (part 1) for Class XII (Session 2024-2025)

 BANKING (SUBJECT CODE: 811) Sample Question Paper (part 1)for Class XII (Session 2024-2025)

Q. Answer any 5 out of the given 7 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i.  Which mode of Funds transfer takes longest time to transfer money to the payee? 

a. Cheque 

b. NEFT 

c. RTGS 

d. ECS 

ii.  _________is the name of process of converting black money to white money. 

a. Foreign exchange 

b. Laundering 

c. Money laundering 

d. Demonetization 


iii.  The ____ cabin has to be as far away as possible from the entry / exist point of bank. 

a. Tellers’ 

b. Manager 

c. Keeper 

d. Agent 

iv.  In case of floating rate loan, borrower will benefit if the 

a. Interest rate remains constant 

b. Interest rate in the future is higher 

c. Interest rate in the future is lower 

d. Interest rate has no bearing 

v.  Which of the following is a role typically not performed by the Central Bank? 

a. Setting the official short-term interest rate 

b. Establish tax policies 

c. Controlling Money Supply 

d. Acting as banker to the government 

vi.  Interest collected by the Bank on a loan is ______ for the Bank. 

a. Income  

b. Expense  

c. Liability  

d. Asset 

vii.  Write the full-form of KYC. 1 


Q. 3 Answer any 6 out of the given 7 questions (1 x 6 = 6 marks) 

i.  Nomination of bank locker once done can  

a. Not be cancelled 

b. Be cancelled  

c. Not be changed 

d. Can be changed 

ii.   Refers to banking where the transaction or the activities of banking is carried out through internet. 

a. e-banking 

b. e-delivery 

c. e-tickets 

d. e-commerce 

iii.  Who is responsible to hold periodical meetings of all staff members to discuss the bank’s performance with higher authorities? 


iv.  Utility payment made in advance is ___ for the Bank  

a. Asset  

b. Liability  

c. Income 

d. Expense 


v.  State the name of any one Qualitative instrument of Credit Control. 


vi.  In banking parlance, ‘NPA’ stands for ______. 

a. Non-Performing Asset   

b. Net Producing Asset 

c. Net Performing Asset    

d. Not Promoting Asset 


vii.  Which the following of guarantee gives an assurance that the task will be completed as agreed? 

a. Financial Guarantee 

b. Bid bond Guarantee 

c. Guarantee for Warranty Obligation 

d. Performance Guarantee 



Q.  Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks) 

i.  Credit card limit is  

a) Revolving loan limit 

b) Installment loan limit 

c) cash credit limit 

d) overdraft limit 

ii.  The invader creates a misleading context which false you in making an unsuitable security- appropriate decision. 

a) Phishing 

b) Spoofing 

c) Skimming 

d) Fishing 

iii.  State the full form of DSA. 


iv.  State the name of incentive paid to the depositors for postponing their other expenditures and keeping their money with the bank. 

v.  Which policy is related to direct taxes and government spending refers to? 

a) Credit Policy  

b) Monetary Policy  

c) Fiscal Policy  

d) Government Policy 

vi.  State the full form of GAAP. 

a) Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 

b) Generally Accrual Accounting Principles 

c) Generally Accepted According Principles 

d) Generally Accepted Accounting Prime 

Q. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)  

i.  The document containing the guarantee of a bank to honor drafts 

drawn on it by an exporter is  

a) Letter of Hypothecation 

b) Letter of credit 

c) Bill of Lading 

d) Bill of exchange 

ii.  Name the input device for feeding data in computer 


iii.  ______is a secure space specially constructed with RCC on all sides. 

a) Managers Cabin  

b) Cash Counter 

c) Vault 

d) Clerks Cabin 

811 Banking SQP XII                                                                                                                                    

iv.  EMI on a fixed rate loan remains _____ during the tenor of the loan  

a) Fixed 

b) Changing  

c) Increases 

d) Decreases 

v.  Which role does RBI play when it maintains the banking accounts of all schedule Banks? 

vi.  ________is the commission paid by Mutual Funds Company to 

agent in the first year. 

a) Trail commission 

b) Upfront Commission 

c) Accrued Commission 

d) Unaccrued Commission 


Q.  Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)  

i.  Banker Lockers are not used for keeing _____ 

a) Cash 

b) Jewellery 

c) stock certificates 

d) Home Deeds 

ii.  State the full form WAP. 1 

iii.  Upon detection of a counterfeit note at the cash counter of Bank 

branch, bank will  

a) Returns the note to the customer 

b) Exchange with a genuine Note 

 c) Deposit in Account  

d) Impound the Note and issue receipt 

iv.  When the fixed loan comes near to its maturity, the interest amount on 

the loan _____ 

a) Increases  

b) Decrease  

c) Remains same  

d) Depends on market 

v.  The standard rate at which RBI is prepared to buy or rediscount bills of exchange or other eligible commercial paper from other Banks is called. 

a) Bank Rate 

b) Prime Lending Rate  

c) Repo Rate 

d) Base Rate  

vi.  Generally, an asset that has remained below standard for up to 12 months is known as 

a) Sub-standard asset 

b) Doubtful Asset 

c) Loss Asset 

d) Standard Asset

Q. 2  Answer any 5 out of the given 7 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks) 

(a) Cheque 

ii.  ( C ) Money Laundering  

iii.  ( a) Tellers’ 

iv.  ( c) Interest rate in the future is lower 

v.  ( b) Establish tax policies 

vi.  ( a) Income  

vii.  Know your customer

Q. 3  Answer any 6 out of the given 7 questions (1 x 6 = 6 marks

i.  ( d) Can be changed 

ii.  ( a) e-banking 

iii.  Manager 

iv.  ( c ) Income 

v.  Direct Action (any other valid tool) 

vi.  (a ) Non-Performing Asset 

vii.  (d ) Performance Guarantee 

Q. 4  Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks) 

i.  ( a) Revolving Loan limit 

ii.  ( b) Spoofing 

iii.  Direct Selling Agent 

iv.  Interest  

v.  ( c) Fiscal Policy 

vi.   (a)Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 


Q. 5  Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks) 

i.  ( b) Letter of credit 

ii.  Keyboard 

iii.  ( c) Vault 

iv.  a) Fixed 

v.  ( b) Bankers' Bank 

vi.  ( b) Upfront Commission

Q. 6  Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks) 

i.   ( a ) Cash 

ii.   Wireless Application Protocol. 

iii.  d) Impound the Note and issue receipt 

iv.  (b) Decrease 

v.  (a) Bank Rate  

vi.  ( a) Sub-standard asset 


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